Anya BettoneyAug 20, 20181 min readFind The Calm In Everyday | Weekly QuotesThis week I want to focus on finding the calm. Lives can be so hectic and stressful, sometimes we need to just find the calm in everyday....
Anya BettoneyAug 6, 20181 min readMotivational Monday | Weekly QuotesGood Morning! I tried doing a motivational Friday series… it didn’t get very far. So I am back, with motivation for your Mondays! I am...
Anya BettoneyApr 20, 20181 min readNUMBER TWOSummer is that you? The weather has been GORGEOUS the past week, but mainly the past two days. Unfortunately I didn’t have the best start...
Anya BettoneyApr 13, 20182 min readWeekly Quotes Series & NUMBER ONEThis is a new series I would like to begin on my blog, as it is something that I already enjoy doing currently privately. This idea came...
Anya BettoneyFeb 14, 20183 min readC O N F I D E N C EConfidence can be described as a belief in one’s ability to succeed. Striking a healthy balance can be challenging. Too much of it and...
Anya BettoneyOct 12, 20171 min readBullet Journal // OctoberI have taken it upon myself to try and be a little more mindful each day. My way in doing so is through a bullet Journal. My pages so far...