I mentioned in a previous blog post about my work experience in a flower shop. It is now time to clear out the soppy red overload Valentines day and install the Mother’s Day display.
Mother’s Day seems to be a simple idea. Just anything related to mum, right? Well when it comes to themed window displays, and also making it contrast to the V-Day one, it can become a challenge. But challenges are good.
Pintrest is pretty much our best friend, along with our own imaginations we created a few ideas of our own, that are achievable on a budget. Big brands obviously have high budgets and a huge team dedicated to this as part of their marketing, but in a small business with only me and the shop owner we have to use what we have, which is normally a stepladder and a lot of wire.
Lets have a window breakdown:
We wanted to focus on a vintage theme; floral, spotty, bunting, pastels, simplistic. Because we didn’t want to overpower the main ideas, we threw (nicely) some white fabric on the bottom just to hide the surface top.
We had the idea of using the ladder shelves as a central focus with paper tulips in plant pots – we used vintage print paper to tie in with the theme. To fill the rest of the window we hung bunting that also flowed with the theme, just to add a bit more depth. Once we installed all of this, we felt it needed a little more. We found some plant pots and potted a peace-lily and placed it to the left… this didn’t look quite right. After a shimmy of the ladder moving it to the right and on a slight angle and sharing the center with the pots we were finally happy.
We didn’t want the windows to be exactly the same, however we did want the theme to flow – same base colours. Helen, the owner, had a frame hung on the wall that wasn’t serving a huge amount of purpose, so with some card and a glue gun she created a present to hang inside with ribbon. This was the center and therefore, when hanging on a wonky piece of wire with even more wire it needed to be as straight as possible. (after multiple trips to the front and dancing out how it needed to be adjusted to the public, we got it as close to where we wanted it!) The bottom looked a little bare, so we added in a box with a plant basket on top and then two plant pots either side.
Anya x
Instagram: @an.ya_
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