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Planning and Rewards

Anya Bettoney

Happy Sunday! It’s time for another longer blog post so grab a cup of your favourite drink, stick on a chilled playlist and get your comfy joggers on! (Or if you’re like Jason, take them off!) We’re already half way through March, which means we’re nearly 1/4 of the way through 2018!!


Planning is my favourite thing to do, I simply love planning. I love writing lists and filling out my diary, I love checking things off and seeing everything I have done. Coloured pencils, fancy pens, sticky notes, notebooks, lined paper, plain paper, stickers and highlighters.

And once all the planning and preparation is done, there is nothing more motivating than a reward at the end – no matter the size!




You don’t need to plan your life away, you haven’t got to be hour specific, it doesn’t need to take over your life… but who doesn’t like organisation in their lift.

When to plan? I love to make plans in the morning, whether this is mental or written – spontaneity is great but this doesn’t work for me, or at least not every day. I need to know what has got to be done in the day. You can plan anything, what you’re going to eat, drink, wear, places you need to go, phone calls, emails, TV shows you want to catch up on etc. Or you if in work or college, tasks that need to be completed such as writing, printing, researching or specific goals to you role.

I also like to do a plan for the week and for the month, these tend to be bigger goals that may take more than a day, or something that isn’t so day specific. I’ll add in blog posts that I want to plan, write and take photos for, collecting train tickets, picking up forms, booking/attending an appointment etc. These will all eventually get transferred into the weekly and daily plans when relevant. (so make sure you add dates.. or put into a diary!)

What if I don’t complete everything? If these tasks aren’t done, and are just little ones, I will just pop them on for the next day, however if they are a !NEED TO DO IT NOW ANYA!, I will list it as a HIGH PRIORITY task, making sure it is one of the first things that I do! Some tasks, as mentioned, may carry over a few days such as washing your bed sheets, but there might come a point when it is a high priority if not done (nobody wants smelly sheets!) It definitely helps to add important tasks into a separate section at the top to highlight that, even if you don’t want to do them, they need to be done!

But how many do I write? You want to keep these short and sweet – adding 100 things to the list might feel necessary but let’s be honest, that is never all going to be done and you’ll just in turn de-motivate yourself by the sheer amount of tasks you have to do! (you can always do more than whats on the list) I tend to write 6-10, depending on the kind of day I want. If I am in a super motivated mood, I will add a few more tasks but the majority of the time 6-10 tasks tend to be the perfect amount. Think of how long the tasks are going to take… There is no point adding 18 tasks to your list that are going to take 1-2 hours each, because there just isn’t the time!



Reward yourself! No matter what you do, no matter the reward… always have a one.

When to reward? If you have a big meeting at work? Get yourself your favourite meal for afterwards. You need to do a tidy of your room? Tell yourself you can have a glass of lemonade (or beverage of choice) afterwards. Need to get through a year of training before you can progress in your job? Book a holiday to look forward to at the end, or even a few mini breaks for throughout.

Why reward myself? Rewarding yourself is just showing self-appreciation, it is saying well done, you did it! Tasks can be long and mundane, but if you have something to look forward to at the end you are much more likely to get through it – it’ll also go by so much quicker. Don’t just reward yourself 24/7 though, if you didn’t do it hold back the reward until you have, it will mean so much more!!

Does it need to cost? It most definitely doesn’t need to cost anything, in fact the cheaper the better! Save your pennies for a bigger reward! Just an evening to paint your nails and have a bubble bath, a walk around a park, they are mindful rewards. Although, cost can be a motivation, especially if you work part-time/0 hour contract, taking the extra shifts you can and getting through them with the most positive attitude because at the end you will have a little extra money. You will be able to afford a chocolate bar, a new top, a trip to the Zoo – on top of the bills you may have to pay.

Reward examples:

  1. A DVD night – stick on some Disney classics and indulge in the music and childhood fun

  2. Spa day – who doesn’t love a spa day, a day at home with products from your local pharmacy or LUSH or a day at a spa resort with a friend you haven’t seen in a while

  3. A long walk around your favourite place – take photos, switch off your phone and smell the fresh air

  4. A holiday – whether that’s a one night, a long weekend or two weeks – home or abroad!!

  5. Time to meditate – relax your body and mind

  6. A fancy drink – this doesn’t have to be alcohol!!

  7. Burn your favourite candle – think about how wonderful you can make your room smell once you get in from your meeting

  8. An hours break to catch up on a show you have missed

  9. Pizza – this needs no explanation, wh doesn’t like pizza????

  10. Listen to a soundtrack you love – The Greatest Showman is a great one (hint hint)

  11. That top in Topshop you keep eyeing up – work that extra shift and you’ll be able to buy the top, plus the socks on offer



Instagram: @an.ya_

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