It feels like almost every other post, I am explaining where I have been… oops! Well I might as well explain this excuse as well.
I have just completed a big project for my Interior Design course, which seemed to last FOREVER, but here it is:
I created a magazine for my final piece, it took a while to figure out just what I wanted to do and how I wanted to portray Transfiguration – our title we were to work towards, however I decided to challenge the media and what we are shown today. (I can do a separate post with my views on this or of a more detailed explanation of my work I completed, if that would be of interest to anybody?)
I have worked a lot I work behind the bar, so it can end up being very late nights for me full of empty chats and rambles of drunken people with the occasional intelligent conversation (but that’s very rare). I do however get to experience many a party, gig and even football match roars – and I still have no idea what they’re actually arguing about. It has been exhausting, but I’ve decided for my birthday I would love an iPad (either the new one or the iPad Pro), so getting in some extra money I can save obviously helps.
I also marshalled for the first time, which was a great experience. Anyone who knows me, knows I am rubbish at giving compliments (and also at running), so when I do try and as sincere as they are, couldn’t sound more sarcastic, but I managed to sound as encouraging as possible! I also got to sport a lovely bright yellow bin bag… honestly, it was lovely… It was so wonderful seeing people I knew and many many others I didn’t know, running the 1/2 marathon, especially since it was so sunny and warm!! It almost made me inspired, almost… but not quite.
I have been doing more doodles and drawings, I want to make my style more fluid and natural. I now love working with marker pens as it provides a much nicer line and finish. I did some doodles the other day on the train, they were only small ones but it felt so nice to just zone out and doodle what was in my mind. I have also been trying out lettering which is so fun! I haven’t quite perfected it yet, but I am getting there and even the fails are fun to experiment with.
I have also seen Bristol in the sunshine, which made a huge change to the last time I was there. I took so many photos and will write a whole other post about it soon! But here are a few snippets of my day (featuring my happy lil bean).
I think that is everything of interest that I have been doing for the past month or so, I am now run down with a cold which is rubbish so I am inhaling all the Olbas Oil, drinking lemon and ginger tea and relaxing as much as possible. I also have been slacking in reading blog posts, so I shall try to be more active when possible!
What have you been up to for the past few months? What are you up to right now?