WEEK ONE: Preparation.
I’m really excited to relaunch my blog with my weekly updates, it just feels right. It’s the reason I started my blog years ago! This...
I’m really excited to relaunch my blog with my weekly updates, it just feels right. It’s the reason I started my blog years ago! This...
I suppose you can already take a guess at what this post is going to be about… yes, it is my holiday to Menorca 2018. My family, Rhys and...
Good Morning! I tried doing a motivational Friday series… it didn’t get very far. So I am back, with motivation for your Mondays! I am...
On Tuesday evening I received a text asking if I still wanted to visit Leicester Botanical Gardens from my friend Reuben, conveniently I...
That time has come. The time I turn into a big scary 19 years old (well nearly, on the 25th July), roaming the streets and causing havoc...
I started to create a journal. It was an idea I had for a while, somewhere to put everything in… little did I know it would become...
Isn’t the weather just wonderful? The past few weeks I have visited 2 garden centres. The first with my whole family, the second with my...
I love monthly sum up/goals/favourties kinda posts, and I have done some in the past, so I have decided to write some more. Last month, I...
Almost everybody uses social media. Social media allows you to share with others virtually, you can post, stream, like, message etc. all...
Oh the cliche new year, new me. I’m going to start the gym and eat fruit and wear no makeup and walk everywhere… Let’s be realistic,...
2017 is nearly over and I thought I would follow the trend of a nice little photo sum up of December and the festivities I have been...
Many of you are very aware I have 3 younger rugrats that are excellent in annoying me daily! Well… I now have 4!! On Saturday 9th...
https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/world-mental-health-day https://www.mind.org.uk/get-involved/world-mental-health-day/...
October is here already??? And it’s already the 10th, where has the time gone?! I have said that I won’t be doing themed posts as it’s a...
So, I tried to do themed posts once a week, and then I tried doing themed posts once a day, then a few times a day … Now.. None of these...
Tired? Stressed? Got some spare time? I recommend having a lazy evening! And yes mum, before you mention… I do have a lazy evening nearly...
So, if you’re a regular YouTube watcher or Blog reader you’ll have seen people do ‘Monthly Favourites’ – well… that is sort of what I...
Long long time, no speak/see! I haven’t posted for too many months just due to life and ‘stuff’ but I am writing today so that’s a start!...
Spring has finally began! *cue hayfever!!!* However, because everything is changing that means new/different things that you aren’t used...
Happy International Day of Happiness (what a long name), I hope you are well and… happy, on this… wonderful Monday! Darkspots, is a...